Lecture 21 - God The Holy Spirit, Part I
It’s funny, I’ve been teaching this method of vocal technique for almost thirty years, and though students seem to grasp the concepts of...
A Singing Course for Catholics
Please note: This course is designed to be read in consecutive order. I advise starting at the beginning with Lecture 1. Once you get to about Lecture 18 or so, then you can probably jump around and read whatever you want. . .
It’s funny, I’ve been teaching this method of vocal technique for almost thirty years, and though students seem to grasp the concepts of...
When I bring The Divine Reed workshops to choirs and congregations, I generally start with a talk about what singing is supposed to be...
What exactly is mix? Mix, is a technical skill of singing whereby the singer remains “muscularly” in either the chest or head voice at...
I have never seen it myself, but someone once described to me a painting of Jesus walking on a beach. Behind Him, all the saints...
The History of Men and Women Singing in the Church – The Divine Reflection in Natural Acoustics I am going to lose some readers after...
Knowledge of the octaves (Lesson 15) certainly helps. I’ve seen quite a few gentlemen turn their singing around as soon as they...
Part I – The problem of Octaves I have the pleasure of working with a lot of Deacons. It’s an effort I began several years ago for...
Only a few short hours into our honeymoon, my husband and I discovered that, despite our hopes and prayers, our marriage was cursed. It...
One of my spiritual weaknesses is that I am easily led. If I hear enough good arguments for a sin, I might just start thinking it’s a...
I have introduced your singing voice as a reflection of the Holy Trinity. God the Father, the source, the beginning, low breath. God the...
Howdy folks! Sorry the studio has been closed for a while, but that's because I've been very busy working on this: Here's the link to...
My grandfather used to say, “Religion is of the will, not the emotions.” I’ve always found that comforting. Feelings are so transient but...
Today I'm going to help you get a good buzz. No, not that kind of buzz. Before we can meet God the Son, through Whom all tones must go,...
Get Under It “This is ridiculous. I’m just moving my gut in and out.” I thought this many times as an aspiring singer. Patience, young...
When my four-year-old- son won’t look me in the eyes, it’s because he has chosen to be rotten. I can say, “Look at me!” fifty times, but...
It wasn’t until I’d been at Eastman four years that I figured out something was wrong. I was having some test lessons with a new private...
So, to conclude, you need to breathe to sing. That will be two hundred dollars please… Much of our anatomy is so subconscious that,...
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Where does the voice come from? To most people, singing is a somewhat...
“You talk too much.” My beloved mentor and friend, Priscilla, told me this once after she happened to be outside the door of my studio,...
I was forced into teaching. I didn’t want to teach. I was going to be a star! ... ugg. However, a dear friend who ran a children’s choral...